Do you really need to use online video sharing site to distribute your content?
I'm afraid you have too! If not you can bet on it your competition will, if they are not doing it already. I know it can be scary to jump on something it looks that you need a lot of technical knowledge to put in practice, but the true is that you don't need to be a computer geek to start making, and uploading your mini clips to sites like YouTube...
- You don't need an expensive digital camcorder. The new low cost Flip UltraHD camcorder or any other is more than enough. Even the one in your cellphone.
- You don't need a top software, the free editing software that comes with your computer and camera are just fine.
- You don't need a green screen, you are not making a Star Wars movie here.
- And no you don't need film quality lighting, just make sure you have a good bright light in the moment of shooting. And yes, you can use the free light from are friendly Sun! :o)
Here is the links to each chapter, which will open in a second window or tab in your web browser, when finish watching just close that window or tab and click on the next chapter to continue. I recommend you to bookmark this page for future reference or subscribe to my Youtube channel LuisGalarzaTV.
1. - The Introduction To The Youtube Video Marketing Secrets.
Get a quick overview of the training and some starting points.
2. - Why You Need To Be Doing Video Promotions.
I gave you some of the reasons why this type of online innovation is one of the best promotional tools you need in your business, but there is more...
3. - Ways To Monetize Your Videos.
Learn some of the ways you can use your media to create an extra stream of income for you and your business. One thing you need to know is that with interactive media you can increase your web authority and traffic without much effort.
4. - Components Of A Great Video Presentation.
Try to understand this chapter really good. Because knowing how to make a remarkable video is one of the best marketing advice you can get. A remarkable video becomes viral and is target of instant link baiting which turns in a lot of free traffic.
5. - Writing A Script For Your Video Slideshow.
This part is very important because this is where you create the actual content of your slide show. Remember that it doesn't matter what you are trying to sell or in what market are you in, just make sure you provide value to your viewers.
6. - Making A Slideshow For Your Video With OpenOffice Impress.
Just in case you don't know, OpenOffice is a free version of Microsoft Office that you can download at Impress is their version of Microsoft PowerPoint, is has less features, but is a great tool that let you do a lot of cool things, plus you can save your work in PowerPoint format if you want. If you already have MS Office I recommend you to use that one instead.
7. - Creating Your Video With CamStudio.
In this chapter you will get a good introduction to creating your mini films with CamStudio, which is a free open-source software tool. Now you have to know that the best screen capture software is actually Camtasia Studio, but the price is a little bit more than any other screen capture program around $299, well because it have advanced features that can help you create high quality films.
8. - Adding Audio To Your Video With Windows Movie Maker.
Like I told you before, you don't need expensive editing software. Here I will walk you through on how to add and edit audio for your films using Windows Movie Maker, which you get for as part of the software bundle in your PC.
9. - Creating Screen Capture Videos With CamStudio.
Screen capture mini presentations are very interactive and are consider great for demonstrations, tutorials, and walk-through. This type of media is excellent when promoting products that need a closer look or demonstrations.
10. - Writing And Optimizaing Your Video Description.
In this part of your training you are going to learn how to effectively write a good description for your mini presentation. A good description needs to be:
- Veyr informative.
- SEO ready or search engine optimized.
- Easy to understand.
- And have good sales copy if needed.
11. - Finding The Best Keywords To Target With Your Video Presentations.
Here he explain some strategies on how to find keywords that will actually generate profit for you. One easy way to get top quality key-phrases is by using a top notch keyword research tool, but if you don't have an investing budget you can use the free tools available online, just remember that those apps don't give you the best data that you can get. So I recommend you to upgrade as soon you start generating some income.
12. - Signing Up For A YouTube Account.
This is a very easy step, but this course was created with the beginners in mind for that reason I added this chapter to make sure everyone is on the same page.
13. - Uploading Your Videos To YouTube.
Learn how to put up your work on the most popular media sharing site in the world. Learn how to make the process easy for you.
14. - Rating Your Videos.
Getting great ratings for your mini films is hard if you don't know how, but is something you need to learn, because it represents the success of your video.
15. - Using Social Bookmarking Sites To Promote Your Videos.
Using Digg and other social bookmarking sites is imperative to make your campaign more effective. Here you will learn how to use it to attract more viewers.
16. - Promoting Your Videos On Additional Social Networking Sites.
As you know social media is one of the best ways to promote your content to a targeted audience. Here you get an introduction on using sites like Facebook, Twitter, and other as part of your strategy.
17. - Promote Your Videos On Relevant Forums.
Did you know that many online marketer forget to use the exposure power of forums or groups. This communities can be one of the best places to distribute your content to gain targeted viewers, plus you can get great feedback from their members.
18. - Embedding Your Videos On Your Website.
This is a great way to syndicate your media, get extra exposure, and of course more viewers. Just remember to use good blog SEO strategies when posting your clips on your site.
19. - Additional Your Videos On Other Media Sharing Sites.
As you know YouTube is huge, but is not the only media sharing site on the web. There others that you need to know about.
20. - The Power Of Heyspread For Video Syndication.
This is a great syndication tool that is actually very affordable to almost anyone. Here you get a quick demo of Heyspread.
21. - The Power Of Traffic Geyser For Video Marketing.
This paid app is very powerful, but is a little costly. Just learn what it can do for you, and see if is something you will want to use later.
22. - The Conclusion Of The Youtube Video Marketing Tutorial.
Some finishing thoughts about the training course and last tips.
To your success,
Luis Galarza,
Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.
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