Are You Looking For A Way To Make Money Online? Get Your Developers To Work With The New Netflix API's!
Netflix is actually letting developers use the API completely free and also give you permission to sell it on the Internet or using mobile marketing if you choose to. The API will be available in the next formats:
- Javascript.
- RESTful.
Each of the API formats will have OAuth security. This will be available today, remember to check all the specs and read all the terms of use before trying any of the monetization ideas below.
Ways To Make Money Online With This Data.
Here I added some money making ideas you have with the API, that can be successfully put into action by beginners and advanced marketers, some of these ideas will need a investment from your part, but the chances to monetize your new venture is greater.
Well, here some ideas to help you start faster:
Mobile Applications.
- Iphone anyone. The first thing many developers are going to jump in are iPhone applications. You can create application like the ones I mention below, and also you can customize one specially for iPhone users, by integrating iTunes and Amazon affiliate programs. You can decide to sell the app. if you want, which will give you an instant revenue even if they don't buy through your affiliate links.
- Movie rating help application for all cellphones. Where cellphone users can get help deciding on what movies to buy or rent next base on the comments and rating from Netflix and your site users. You can make money by selling this app. or by adding Adsense for mobile in your site, plus you can sell advertising and promote affiliate programs.
- Mobile social movie rating network. Here you can help users comment, rate, and share their movie listing or queue with friends and family. You can increase your profits by telling people how much they can save if they sign up for a cash back shopping mall that pays you every time your referrals make a purchase.
Web Applications and Mashups.
- Create a movie rating and trailer mashup. You can use the API to generate instant content for your web site, and let visitors search for movies, check ratings, and movie information. But, don't limit your site to the API, add the social salsa in it and you can have a winner portal where users can add comment, their ratings, share movie lists with others, and even have their own newsgroup or forum. You can make money by mixing it with affiliate marketing and really earn some cash.
- The movie lover social profile. Web profiles of all types are out their, this can help add a new profile service with twist, the movie twist. Where people can search Netflix database and add their favorite titles, create a wish list to let people know what they want for their birthday or Christmas, they can share their ratings, and comment on other users profiles. One fast way to monetize this is by matching their movie list with Amazon movies and books, also you can put up Adsense for extra cash, and sell sponsor spots as an extra income stream just make sure you have enough traffic or users to make money selling sponsorships or advertising.
- Blogging movies for profit. If your budget is small you can set up a Wordpress blog and use API to create content, and add your own movie reviews and polls, and make money with Adsense, advertising, and affiliate programs. Also you can build a stronger business by building your list of movie lovers, this way you will have another way to communicate with your audience to turn them into customers and loyal readers or followers. When blogging for money is all about knowing how to monetize the sites and monetize each blog post.
Also you can click here to get three more income generating ideas. I hope this small list can help you start a new money making online business, I'll have more tips after playing with the API and see it's potential. If you have any ideas or comments please share it with us here.
Finding Low Cost Web and Mobile Developers.
If you are a knowledgeable developer you can pass this, but if you are a beginners or advanced marketer who have some money to invest (at least $200 to $500) you can have a Netflix API application develop for you in no time. Here are some of the best places to find reliable developers:
As a developer you can earn an extra income developing applications for online marketers, or even better, you can start a joint venture with someone that knows Internet marketing and together start a powerful new online venture.
Happy developing....
To get more advice about product development and developers management visit the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
Recommended Resources.
- Bebiz - Niche Business Builder. Excellent for beginners.
- Search Marketing Lab. Updated daily.
- Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online. All in one training course.
In Conclusion: This is an open Internet and mobile business opportunity, and the first ones to create an innovative way for web users to interact with it will win the first spots on making money online... Don't get behind.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.