Who Cares How Many Views Your Online Videos Have If Is Only A One Time Deal? Your Video Marketing Will Not Be Effective If People Don't Find Your Content Spreadable. You Need To Be Remarkable To Turn Your Videos Viral!
Well, my dear Internet entrepreneur that's video marketing done right!
Video marketing experts suggest that you should invest 50% of your time in developing your online video campaign, such us the storyline, content style, and the overall production, and 15% on marketing your videos. You need spend more time in the information because content is what's going to make your media viral or spreadable. Also SEO for video is very important.
The secret here is that you need to be remarkable and at the same time deliver the concept of your message in a way that your audience will understand, using any of the categories below... Off course, some categories are suitable to a larger audience, and you can effectively use it to expose your marketing concept to as many people as you can, and those individuals do the marketing for you by sharing your media with others.
Here is a list of popular online videos categories:
Funny: Comedy videos are one of the top categories with a big viral potential, for that reason these are one you want to master. Yep, humor have the power to spread faster than almost any other category.
Bizarre: People love when others push the limits of things they know people shouldn't be doing, so if you can effectively deliver your message in a bizarre way without hurting your brand or company, this category can be very successful. Note: make sure you don't brake any of the media sharing sites rules.
Skillful: This the type of clips that shows special skills, those that look almost impossible to do. Their good to an usually get embedded on blogs or websites.
Celebrities: Marketers found out long ago that celebrities endorsements can increase the value of your message and have a big influence in the consumers decision making. And online, we discover that celebrities can turn your media viral with the help of fan based sites and blogs that like to embed these type of videos.
Cartoons: This are another winner marketing strategy, because cartoon type ads actually increase responses and now you can use it on your online media to interact with your audience in a fun and innocent way that can become spreadable very fast.
It doesn't matter which category you decide to use to create your online videos base on, what's important is that you effectively communicate your message to your audience and be remarkable at the same time. When planing your video marketing campaign make sure that your goals are clear and make sure your content stays focus on your campaign goals.
Make sure your videos are clear enough to be understood. Not necessarily need to be on high definition, just use keep it good enough to watch. Also the quality depends on watch your video is about and your audience.
Recommended Resources.
- Viral Media Strategies. Advanced Strategies.
- Guerrilla Marketing On Steroids. By Jay Levinson.
- Search Marketing Lab. Updated daily.
- Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online. New Version.
To learn how you can be part of an online association full with Internet business experts and advisers for less than 4 dollars, visit the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
In Conclusion: Experiment with each category and find ways to approach your audience with effective online video marketing that will spread your message around the web without nay further help from you.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant Massachusetts.
Excellent tips, you gave me a few ideas on how to start putting online video to work for my business.
Thanks for the useful tips.
Luis -- this is fantastic, especially the reference to SEO for video. That would be a very good introduction to the virtues of search engine marketing in general... and we know that for small business, the opportunities are only becoming more apparent. We recently published a white paper which deals indirectly with SEO/video issues -- but also looks at some concurrent marketing strategies worth consideration. Thanks again for this great post.
That is true, most new online entrepreneurs or small business owners find them self trap in a world of random information about this topic, that usually gets them confused and they don't gain any knowledge, or they get stock trying to know everything about search engine optimization and forget to take any action.
Nice blog, and thanks for sharing good tips.
Yours truly,
Luis Galarza,
Internet Marketing For The Poor!
I been keeping myself away from video marketing until I learn how to use it right, that's why I thank you for sharing useful tips and strategies on how to really make online video work even for newbies like me...
And is true content is a big deal on everything online, specially video or audio...
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