Monday, July 27, 2009

Social Media 2009 Trends & Top Search Keywords

By Luis Galarza - Niche Marketing.
Social Media Is A Very HOT Trend That Can Help You Monetize The Internet... Here Are Some Niche Marketing Tips And A Free List Of Top Search Keywords To Get You Started!...

Social Media
When I said that you can monetize social media, I'm not talking about using new age marketing strategies to promote your Internet business or blog! What I mean was that you can make money online by becoming the next big thing or by publishing niche related content that targets a specific market or trend inside this new huge phenomenon that is call "Social Media".

With the evolution of the Internet and the birth of Web 2.0 a lot happened. First people notice how easy was to generate their own content, to find information, to find new global friends, to create their own fan base, and how easy was for a regular person to start competing in the same level of massive content websites. In short you found the social media marketing power of "YOU".

Newspapers, magazines, and TV all over the world started giving you credit for your constant contribution to the web, and this is called sociology and technology evolution!... This cool new medium have become so popular that now has its own industry, which make it a big mine of golden opportunities for those entrepreneurs that love to take strategic business action steps.

What Do People Love?

Some of the hot niches that you can find through this new medium are base on a service or network that's very popular or can become very popular, and have a big potential to generate a good stream of income for a third person, in this case that third person is you.

So, when you see a new Web 2.0 tool or community network that is trending, do a little keyword and paid search research to see if there is a chance to build a new small business venture from it.

Some of the ways to get a new 2009 start-up or to make money from a hot web 2.0 trend with content or by creating API base tools are:

- Web Applications.
- Mobile Applications.
- API Base directories.

You can also make money blogging:

- Niche blogs.
- Niche social networks.
- Web Apps review blogs.
- Mobile Apps review blogs.
- Niche news blogs.

Now to monetize any of those Internet business ideas you can:
  1. Sell sponsor or advertising spots.
  2. Use affiliate marketing strategies.
  3. Promote legit MLM or Network Marketing businesses.
  4. Put Google Adsense ads.
  5. Sell your own products.
  6. Promote JV partner relevant products.
  7. Use them to generate traffic to your sites.
  8. Use it as branding viral marketing tools.

OK, so what are those popular services or tools full of top search keywords that have everyone talking about, from the news, to TV, to even my grandma' :-) ... Here are the ones you need to keep your eye on this 2009:

Top Search Keywords and Topics!

Here is the list of the best key-phrases that web surfers are using to find what they a want to know about this new medium.

NOTE: To avoid repeating some words too many times I decide to replace them with quick abbreviations. SM = Social Media, S = Social and M = Marketing.

Search Count - Keyword.

198 SM.
42 SM M.
29 SM online.
16 what is SM.
14 SM pdf.
13 SM terminology.
9 using SM to promote my business.
7 kraft food and SM.
7 SM analytics.
7 SM and communications planning.
7 SM tools for M.
6 SM spending.
5 david ligon SM.
5 government agenies that use SM.
5 media as a S institution.
5 SM and financial decisions.
5 SM tools.
5 southwest airline SM.
5 starbucks my starbucks idea SM campaign.
4 crisis communications SM.
4 government agencies who use SM.
4 how to use SM.
4 iran election SM theory blogs.
4 SM club.
4 SM for small business.
4 SM gallery.
4 SM guidelines.
4 SM icons.
4 SM M plan.
4 SM news.
4 SM policy.
4 SM rewards programs.
4 SM strategies.
4 SM tools for pr.
4 top SM sites.
4 wachovia SM.
3 corporate SM policy.
3 crisis communications tips SM.
3 fear of SM.
3 intelligence community use of SM.
3 lon safko the SM bible speaker.
3 new media S relation.
3 newspapers and SM.
3 online ommunication and SM as a tool.
3 optimizing SM.
3 SM and toolkit.
3 SM companies.
3 SM customer care.
3 SM expert kevin.
3 SM for chefs.
3 SM health care conferences.
3 SM nonprofit.
3 SM organizer.
3 SM ottawa job.
3 SM plans unme jeans.
3 SM pr.
3 SM services.
3 SM strategy and military.
3 SM vocabulary.
2 10 commandments of SM success - charles heflin.
2 center for SM - remix culture.
2 company SM policy.
2 effects of mass media to the S status.
2 facebook pages SM.
2 glencoe media center S studies.
2 how can colleages use SM.
2 M proposal online internet SM.
2 martial arts SM sites.
2 media ecology online dating S networks technology.
2 pro S effect of the media to the society.
2 professional SM networking.
2 promoting on SM.
2 sample SM M plan.
2 SM + pittsburgh.
2 SM agencies.
2 SM and the national security professional.
2 SM buttons.
2 SM campaign president 2008 statistics.
2 SM club austin.
2 SM corporate policies.
2 SM facts.
2 SM healthcare.
2 SM implementations in long term care.
2 SM jargon.
2 SM louisville ky.
2 SM manager.
2 SM M califorina firm.
2 SM M plan template sample.
2 SM M proposal.
2 SM network effects politics.
2 SM problems.
2 SM resume benefit, need.
2 SM search engine.
2 SM serach engine.
2 SM survey by age.
2 SM tips.
2 SM trusted relationships.
2 S theory affects media.
2 united way SM.
2 united way SM M plan.

You can use this list to help you brainstorm new content for your blog or to find markets for a new venture.

To get unlimited advice about "social media for your business" visit the IE Club.

Recommended Resources.

- Social Influence For Dummies.
- Blogging To The Bank 3.0.

TIP: Don't forget to research each topic before thinking is a good phrase to optimize for I recommend you to use SEO Elite for SEO research and PPC Web Spy for pay-per-click advertising.

To your success,

Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.

Blerp Me


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Success Quote

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.

2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.

3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

6. Be generous.

7. Have a grateful heart.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.

12. Commit yourself to quality.

13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationship with people you love and respect.

14. Be loyal.

15. Be honest.

16. Be a self-starter.

17. Be decisive even it it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

20. Take good care of those you love.

21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.

By H. Jackson Brown Jr.