How To Promote Your Business Online For FREE! by Luis Galarza
Friday, December 09, 2011
12 Simple Ways To Turn PLR Products Into Profit Streams: Even Napoleon Dynamite Can Do It
Many people, new and experience online entrepreneurs 'including Napoleon Dynamite :-)' always download lots and lots of PLR or MRR products and they just leave in their hard drive to collect dust... Why is that? Well, latest Internet marketing research shows that most people have problem coming out with profit making ideas of what to do with all those digital products in their computers.
...Don't worry I got your back! Just don't let your fear of writing articles or any type of information stop you.
PLR Selling Tips.
If you're one of those marketers still wondering what you could do with this great deal of PLR and MRR products here are 12 very simple and easy ideas for you...
1 - Without modification quickly sell it directly to your current customers.
2 - Publish your digital product on Amazon for Kindle for easy profit.
3 - Turn it into profitable upsells or backend offers.
4 - Publish a physical version of the PLR information product. You can use Lulu for this.
5 - Segment the content and then sell as paid online courses (ecourses).
6 - Have the information translated and sell in foreign markets for a boost in sales.
7 - Re-purpose the content into interactive media like audio or video, this can help you increase your price and profits.
8 - Use content to set-up your own webinars.
9 - Create big training or coaching programs.
10 - Don't for get about the offline world, here your can re-purpose your content for workshops or live events.
11 - Another way to profit from PLR is by using the information to create niche targeted podcasts.
12 - And finally you can combine the material to develop brand new selling products.
OK, there you have it - 12 different ways to monetize your arsenal of resell rights items...
- PLRWholesaler.
- Money2k.
Now I'm sure you can come out with more ideas on your own, this is just to get you started, but you'll need to hurry if you want to get in and make money online before your competition does... Remember, you aren't the only person with the licence to resell those digital products!
Because within the next 24 hours the option to be the first one applying any of the tips above will be gone, don't forget that strategic action mean success.
To your product creation success,
Luis Galarza,
Local Web Marketing Specialist.
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Success Quote
1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationship with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even it it means you'll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.
By H. Jackson Brown Jr.
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