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Content Marketing! |
On the web are many ways to re-purpose and benefit from the full potential of your content, but some of the best strategic syndication and re-purposing social media techniques I tried successfully are:
1. Start by writing full detail articles to post on your blog. Make them very useful and original.
2. Rewrite one more of the tips from the same posts, and submit them to high ranking article directories like EzineArticles, Buzz, GoArticles, and iSnare. And point the link on your author box back to your site or blog, or even better to the main article. This will boost your search engine ranking.
3. Now you can turn each of those article into video content and submit them to top online video sharing sites like YouTube, Veoh, Revver, etc..
4. Also you can upload your videos to Facebook and Twitter using Twitvid.com.
5. Now you that you have all that content you can also use it to create informational infographics or business graphics. This type of graphs are linkbaiting monsters, people and web publishers love them. After creating the informational images submit them to Flickr, Twitter (twitpic.com), Facebook, Slideshare, Photobucket. Be sure to add your site slogan and URL on the top or bottom corner.
6. Create an ebook or report you can give away to your prospects. Use it to gain more email leads for your newsletter, submit them to ebook direcotries, sell it on Lulu.com, sell it or give it away on the Amazon Kindle, upload it to Scribd and Docstoc.com. Also check Docs.com.
7. Create a report that shows all the infographics and give it away to increase authority and branding.
8. Now let's put it on audio, by turning the content into podcast shows or talk shows with tools like Blogtalkradio.com, Podbean.com, Ourmedia.org (need a Archive.org account), GCast.com, Fruitcast.com, etc..
9. Don't forget to upload your audio podcasts to iTunes for more exposure.
10. Take a look a Cinchcast.com, this little service let you provide mini podcast shows and auto-share to your social profiles. Its great to brake content into little useful tips and quickly distribute to your audience and social followers.
11. If you rewrite each article or just focus on giving the main idea, you can create little articles that you can post as Notes on Facebook.
12. Brake down each article into mini tiny tips that can be easily tweet on Twitter and post on your Facebook status. Use Socialoomph.com, this is an social automation tool that let you schedule tweets for later, and have many other cool features.
13. Create polls or mini surveys asking your audience their insights about the same subject and them post some tips on the comments or a link to the relevant article.
14. Now is time for reposting! What I mean is that you should write a blog post for each infographic chart, video, and podcasts. But never link to the articles you post on directories, because reciprocal links don't have much power.
If you use strategic content syndication to maximize the free marketing power of your information you are going to see excellent responses, only if the information is valuable, of course. So, make a plan on which subject you are going to target and go for it!
Luis Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.