Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Google Rate Links From Social Sites Like Twitter & Facebook?

Facebook and Twitter SEO Impact

Here is a quick video by Matt Cutts the chief director of Google Web Spam team answering a question related to search engine optimization (SEO). The question is: How does Google rank or rate links from social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc.?

Here is the video enjoy!

As you can see links from many of this top social media virtual real estates don't carry any rank weight for your site that could help your SEO efforts. But, what you should be working on is
to have your profiles listed on search engines to give you more web exposure and authority in targeted keyword search results.

What do I mean when I said more web exposure?  Well, the real phrase should be more search exposure. This can be done very easy, if you have a Twitter account where you interact with clients or your web audience why not setting it up in a way that will get you some traffic from search engines. One way to do this is by making sure that your tweets are relevant to your audience, and if possible include your targeted keywords every now and then.

WARNING: Don't over do it, because then you would be overloading your profile with the same key-phrases which is bad for SEO and will get you a lot of unfollows on Twitter.

The same can be done on Facebook, but on your FB page not your profile. Your fan pages are easy to get rank if optimize properly. Two things you can do to start generating traffic is keep your page up to date (daily updates are recommended), and keep the content relevant to your targeted keywords.

One affiliate marketing tool I use to spot profit making audience is the one offer at Mass Money Makers.

So, make sure your social media strategy is also targeting Google in one way or another.

To your success,

Luis Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.

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Success Quote

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.

2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.

3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

6. Be generous.

7. Have a grateful heart.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.

12. Commit yourself to quality.

13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationship with people you love and respect.

14. Be loyal.

15. Be honest.

16. Be a self-starter.

17. Be decisive even it it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

20. Take good care of those you love.

21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.

By H. Jackson Brown Jr.