Friday, August 01, 2008

SEO Success Factors

By Luis Galarza - Internet Marketing And Make Money Online Tips.

SEO Is An Internet Marketing Process And It Success Depends On A List Of Important Factors... Here Is The List To Bring Success To Your SEO Efforts!

SEO or search engine optimization (for long), is simply the Internet marketing strategies or techniques not only to get your website or blog listed in the search engines, but to secure a top position for a search term or keyword phrase that is closely related to your web content or niche. I know, many of you already know this, but I have to explain it again because most of my visitors are beginners in the subject of online marketing and search marketing for that matter.

To have every single search engine optimization effort really paid off, your search marketing plan needs to have a good foundation that includes a list of factors that will increase the chances of your success. Remember that SEO it's not just about getting high search engine ranking for any keywords, SEO is about gaining top search engine positions on keywords use by your target audience, that's why keywords research is one of the main key elements for a successful search engine optimization campaign.

Another thing you should know is that a achieving high ranking on top search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, and AOL, can take a long time and a lot of work depending on the keyword you are targeting.

Let's take a look a the list of SEO success factors or elements that your white hat search marketing depends on:

You need to be completely engaged and devoted to all your SEO efforts. Without commitment you will not take action or the appropriate action to make search engines work for you. Remember is a long everlasting ride, but can be as exited if you really want to do it.

This is where many Internet marketing beginners and experience marketers set their road for failure... Remember that old saying "Those who don't plan, are planning to fail!" This is true, every advertising campaign needs to have a marketing plan behind it, that will serve you as a road map on how are you going to use the strategies to get the best out of search engines or any other medium. You need to know what your goals are for this campaign? What's needed to reach those goals? And, how you know the campaign succeed it?

Products And Services.
The best way to use search engine optimization marketing is by not hiding the fact that your business provides real product and services, that can help searchers to get the solution they are looking for. So, make sure this information is on your search results description area.

As a search engine marketer you need to have complete access to up to date information, because the search engine marketing is an ever-changing industry, and the only way you can keep ahead of your competitors is by knowing what's new in the search market and more important how to use those changes in your benefit. So, books, reports, or anything like that are just a waste of money, don't get me wrong there are many books that offer excellent information for beginners that want to understand SEO, and want to have some "quick and easy to use" tactics that still effective right now. And most free information available online is not up to date or don't tell you how to apply new strategies in a successful way. The best resources are the paid ones... I know, it can become a little expensive, but is the only way to be on top of the game.

Like I said before you need to be committed to this marketing medium if you are expecting to survive, because without patience you won't last... SEO marketing is a long road to walk on, and forget about being number one for one of your main search keywords, because overnight success is not something that happens here, if ever did.

Website Usability and Design.
The main focus in your SEO marketing plan should be your site users, so make sure you do your best to provide the best experience to your online users. SO, make it easy to navigate, easy to find information, show them how to use your site, answer their questions, build credibility, inform well, make them understand why you, and have them come back for more.

Strategic Keyword Research.
This is just like any other type of marketing, but way more accurate. To run a good campaign you need to know the terms people are using to find thing related to your niche, then you need to use those terms to optimize your site or blog for the engines and for your users.

Analytics and Metrics.
If you want to know what's working and what's not, you need to be use to the term analytics and metrics. This is just the art of tracking every aspect of your marketing campaign. This way you will see which keywords are generating the most opt-ins, or the most sales. This way you can focus on the keywords that are generating a revenue. And tune the pages targeting the keywords with low conversion rates. Remember, most of the time is your site and not the keywords.

Well, this is a key element that separates online marketers just like the source of information does: Marketers with the right tools, and marketers with the wrong or no tools at all. Having the right SEO tools in as your marketing kit can give you an advantage over your competitors.

Get Crawl.
It doesn't matter how good is your content, how nice is your design, and how easy to use is your site... If the search engine can't crawl your site, they will not able to read your information. Meaning zero or low ranking. So, make sure your website is design to let search engines crawl your information from every one of your webpage.

Today having quality original web content on your site or blog is more and more important. Web users want good content, the search engines use the content to make sure your site ranks on relevant searches. In conclusion, SEO marketing success depends on your content.

First, links is what search engines use to know how famous your site really is, which translate into better ranking. Two things about good links; it need to be from a relevant site, and the anchor text or description need to include your targeted keywords. The rest here is to get as many back links to your site as possible.

Social Buzz.
Become the an authority by using all type of social media or web 2.0 tools and interact with your customers, prospects, and create friends that know what you and your business do. Web 2.0 or social sites are a very powerful word-of-mouth medium. Use it, use it well, be ethical, succeed.

Reputation Management.
With all the social power of web 2.0, now messages pass on faster that ever, people have the tools to say whatever they want and very loud. Reputation management is about know what others are saying about your and your Internet business, and how to manage the positive and negative e-talk in a web where the users have the control, not you.

Online, trust can make you rich... So, build trust in you and your brand from your users, and from the search engines, by applying ethical white hat SEO strategies to rank well on top search keywords in your niche..

Recommended Resources.

- Internet Wealth Explosion Training System. NEW! Scam review.
- Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online. New Version.
- Search Marketing Lab. To be ahead of the SEO strategies that work.

To learn how you can be part of an online small business association full with Internet marketing experts and consultants less than 4 bucks visit the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.

In Conclusion: This simple SEO structure is the one follow by successful online marketer, now is your turn to be part of the that list.

To your success,

Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant Massachusetts.

A proud member of
- The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs
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Success Quote

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.

2. Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.

3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

6. Be generous.

7. Have a grateful heart.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.

12. Commit yourself to quality.

13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationship with people you love and respect.

14. Be loyal.

15. Be honest.

16. Be a self-starter.

17. Be decisive even it it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

20. Take good care of those you love.

21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.

By H. Jackson Brown Jr.