Now Portland Ore. Have Free WiFi or Ad Supported WiFi Service After A Lucrative Partnership Between Microsoft And MetroFi!
MS really want to test this local marketing approach that will provide targeted local audience to their Adcenter advertisers, by simply providing a on-demand service to a city like Portland Ore. absolutely free. The service will be power by MSN Internet service, which will be sponsored by Adcenter advertising network.
Microsoft and MetroFi goal is for this free WiFi service to offer wireless Internet connection to 95% of Portland, which is about 500,000 people, a big audience for advertising looking to use online local marketing campaigns to gain leads and customers from this city.
Turning regular innovative ideas into strategic business innovations can help you grow your business customer base, and revenue. Plus, can give your company a competitive advantage over others that will eventually increase your market share.
Here is what MS mix to get to this lucrative local marketing strategy:
- Community service.
- High demand of wireless Internet service.
- Business innovation opportunity.
- Unique Selling Proposition. "Free WiFi".
- Competitive advantage.
- Secure money making strategy. "Local Adcenter Advertisers".
- Size of target market. "500,000 potential users".
- Size of direct and indirect competitors.
- Strategic Marketing plan.
- Strategic partnerships. "MetroFi".
- Execution or taking action.
Is not just about having a good idea, is about how are you going to make it work, where you idea will serve better, and when... It's today the right time, it is too late, or it will become a winner tomorrow.
Do you research before taking action on any new business or marketing strategy, and don't give up until finding a way to make it work or until you can enough market data that tells you that your idea is not worst going for it... but, even them testing can be a better way to know if a new innovation will be profitable or not.
Recommended Resources.
- Bebiz: Niche Internet Business Builder. New.
- Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business Online. New Version.
To learn how you can be part of an online association full with Internet business experts and advisers for less than 4 dollars, visit the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
In Conclusion: Find ways to help your community that will provide free local marketing that will increase your market reach in your city. Remember that innovation doesn't need big budgets, but a good strategic business idea that will spread with easy word-of-mouth.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant Massachusetts.
- The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs
You do realize they shut this network down a month ago in Portland because it was a failed business model right?
I actually got the notice yesterday and looks like the business model wasn't the problem, but the management and slow income was what turn their venture apart.
Thanks anyways for the heads up, But when I wrote the post I was trying to open the mind of entrepreneurs to look beyond regular business or marketing opportunities. And to include creativity and innovation as part of their business strategies.
As you know innovation is what make Google the power advertising medium of the world.
But, like I always say, is about testing and tracking to make sure a strategy will work for you, because even if some tactics work for others it doesn't mean is going to work for your business, and the other way around... If something didn't work for others it doesn't mean you can't make it work for you.
For example: Google was build by fixing or doing what Yahoo did in a better way, and it worked out very good.
Thank you again for the notice, and please feel free to add your opinions about the business venture.
Internet Marketing For The Poor!
Is always a good way to think innovative specially if you want to be first, or create something new and remarkable...
Great post Luis G.
Bob T.
Did you know that regular people are getting paid from $250 to $750 for a minute of their time simply just doing voice recording on a computer?
You can make $20 for each 20 minute survey!
Guess what? This is exactly what major companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So these companies pay millions of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
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