Want To Make Money Online Marketing For The Most Popular Cellphones Niche? Today I Give You The List Of The Most Popular Wireless Phones On The Internet For FREE, So You Can Profit From This Niche Market!
First let me tell you that selling wireless phones online or offline is very lucrative, it all depends on your plan to approach your audience and the strategies you will use to turn prospects into buyers, and then into loyal customers. I've been selling mobile devices on the Internet and off, for about 7 years and I fine tune my marketing strategies in a way that I didn't only automate the selling process, but I optimize my business in a way that was making me money even before I sold any product.
This strategies will be in my affiliate marketing training course for beginners that will be ready, with the help of God, by the end of February 2012. The training will have videos, audios, training manuals, case studies, software, workbooks, step-by-step marketing plans, and more... Don't worry, this package will not be an over price marketing course. I'm actually will be asking you, my blog readers to help me price this product...
Well, back to the post...
OK, here are the most popular cellphones that people are search for online:
1. HTC Tilt.
2. Apple iPhone.
3. Samsung UpStage.
4. LG Shine.
5. Sony Ericsson Walkman.
6. Motorola RAZR V3.
So, how can you make money online having the list of top selling cellphones?
First you need to sign-up as an affiliate for any cellphone merchant or a affiliate network that has a list of wireless phones merchants. Here is a list of some of those companies:
- TMIWireless.
- Commission Junction.
- LinkShare.
I recommend you to sign-up for all of them, that way you can offer different choices to your visitors. Or at least for 2 of them... TMIWireless is an excellent company because you can link directly to the cellphone you are promoting for better results. Another thing you need is a web site or blog, if you have at least $80 to spent I recommend you to get a hosting account and a domain name, but is not require. If you don't have any money you can get a blog with social services like: Wordpress, or any other without any type of ads. Also, you will need a Blogger blog, I will tell why in a few. So, as you notice I'm going to make a little profit based blog with affiliate products for the tips below.
Below I wrote some tips for beginners to make money online in this really competitive niche.
The secret of making any profit from a market that have a huge amount of competitors fighting for attention from the same audience is... applying good strategic niche marketing and dominate a small part of that niche and then move to the next part. But, without forgetting the main market. What this mean?
If you starting a blog about cellphones, the main keyword for your blog should be "Cellphones" not "Motorola RAZR".... But, you need to write your blog post targeting the small sub-niches.
1. Use your Blogger blog as your main site where you are going to write industry news, cellphones reviews, wireless carriers reviews, service plan reviews, and online merchant reviews.
Making Money Tip: Link direct to the cellphone web page not the merchant's homepage. Also, have the merchant's reviews on the right or left sidebar of your blog. You can also add Google Adsense as an extra stream of income for your blog, but don't cover your main source of revenue, which is the affiliate programs. You can add Adsense in the bottom of your posts, and use the small ad block on your right or left sidebar.
2. Use the other blog as a personal cellphone fan base blog, where you can have a category about cellphone news, jokes, pictures, and link back to your main blog from the each post not the sidebar. Use the side bar to link directly to your cellphone review blog pages, don't link to the merchants web pages. Just socialize, don't sell.
3. Add the RSS feeds from your fan base blog to your main blog, this will give visitors to check a news and other crazy cellphone stuff by staying in your VRE or Virtual Real Estate.
4. At the beginning you need to post at least 2 times at day on your main blog, and as many as you like on your fan blog. Remember blogging is not a lazy way to make money online, because it requires a lot of research, and typing from your part.
5. Concentrate the rest of your time to bring targeted visitors to your blog... do everything you can to increase blog traffic, and your branding or web 2.0 authority in the market. This will help you build a loyal network of readers and a good passive income generator.
- Super Affiliate Handbook: Top notch Affiliate Marketing Manual.
- Affiliate Elite: Steal super affiliate top keywords and ads legally.
- Keyword Elite: Find profitable niche based mobile keywords.
- Blogging To The Bank: A regular guy that make big money blogging is the writer.
In Conclusion: You can use this techniques to make money online in other markets, just follow the niche marketing strategies I talked about above and develop a marketing plan to help you send web traffic to your blog or site. The 2 most important things here are: The content, and the marketing strategies.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant Massachusetts.
About Author: Luis Galarza is a respectable Internet Marketing and Small Business Consultant in the area of Leominster and Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Also, he had teach 100's of entrepreneurs how to make money online and offline without their own product.
Technorati tags: Luis Galarza, Online Marketing, Affiliate, Video, Beginners,
Hi Luis,
I want to tell you what a relief it is to see a fellow internet marketer take such a fundimental approach to teaching. I also feel that it's equally important that you've made a point to mentioned internet marketing software and even offer a poll in the lower left hand corner to see what other kind of tutorials your readers feel would be most useful.
Another great resource for your viewers might be Atomic Blogging by Alvin Phang. Here's a brief video that will tell your readers a little bit more about it.
* I've recently read that the owner of this product is donating 100% of his profits to the Red Cross from March 17th 2008 through March 23rd 2008.
This brief video introduction was put togther by a good friend of mine named Todd Gross, some people may remember him as being a former weather man from Boston. If you'd like to sign up for his Presale Video program you can go here.
I've worked out a deal with Todd to give your viewers a full trial week (seven days) for FREE so that you can see how powerful this tool can be with affiliate marketing.
For those readers who are serious about affiliate marketing there is a really nice one time offer for this product that will save you an additional $10 per month!
In closing here I'd like to offer one more resourse to you and your readers. Recently a released my own FREE internet marketing software website that gives people a chance to get some very valuable tools to use when marketing online.
If you or any of your readers have any questions about my own product or any of the other resources that I have mentioned please feel free to contact me at any time.
Talk to you soon,
-Jeffrey S. Wyrick-
IM Software 4 Free
Internet marketing training is very compulsory in Internet marketing field.I think use this techniques to make money online in other markets, just follow the niche marketing strategies
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